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New woodland walk being created in our country garden

Work is underway to add a woodland walk to our Country Garden.

We are managing an overgrown area with lots of dead pines and invasive plants - and plan to turn it into a woodland walkway that will be managed with wildlife in mind.

The plan is to let in more light and encourage native trees which are starting to grow in places to grow better and replace the existing spruce over time.

The first task was to use a mini-digger, operated by Ben, to create a way into the old forest via a very overgrown section that had become impassable.

Paul then set about creating a walkway, removing stones and invasive plants and clearing a path that is now fringed by willows - and has been given then name 'Willow Walk'.

The next step was to create a pathway under a set of pine trees, which has now been partly cleared, and the canopy raised to allow people to walk in. Here's a very short video (with apologies for the quality...)

Mindful that the forest dries out in summer, and there are no waterholes for at least a mile, Paul created a new pond area fringed by some overhanging pines on one side.

With easy access to the water for wildlife of all sizes, this should help the numerous woodland and open-field creatures of our area including mammals and birds like buzzards, ravens and jays.

We will now continue adding some little visual surprises along the woodland walk, and also areas for kids to play in, or people to have time to commune with nature.

The next task is to complete the first path through the pines and making it a circular walk back to Willow Walk. Next year, we plan to create other pathways through the woods. Stay tuned!

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